49 Palms Oasis

I came to the desert to feel something. I yearned to feel the pull of the deep blue skies and to feel the rising up as I soared through cumulus white clouds and the apple sun like Icarus on a lost day.

I wanted visions and shamans that appear beneath sacred trees and impart wisdom in the racing mescaline day. One single oasis was all I asked, to clear the rotten cache of my memory where control alt delete was part of the natural order.

Yucca Valley Chill

Good morning! I arrived at the Yucca Valley last night just before midnight with no accommodations set up and that “where the hell am I and what was I thinking”attitude. I was exhausted after my 10 hour 500 mile drive which I did nearly direct except a quick stop in Fresno to visit Arielle. Not a lot to share yet except I just crashed uncomfortably in my Honda Element tucked into my 30 degree below 0 sleeping bag and on top of all my gear. It was late and I was too tired to arrange everything so I could sleep on my memory foam mattress. More later…

Hello World!

I’m back!

So I’m finally getting this blog back up and running. I have no idea what happened to my old content, but let’s just move forward shall we? I’m off to Death Valley and Joshua Tree next week so look for some new posts and pics then. In the meantime, thanks for reading!